Do you know the real difference between warm and cool colors? Warm colors have yellow in them, while cool colors contain some blue. Colors also have intensity, according to whether they are bright (high-intensity) or soft (low-intensity). Color value is how light or dark a color is. These concepts can help you choose the right colors for cheeks and lips.
Your natural coloring should indicate the best intensity and value of colors for your face. If you have high contrast in your coloring (dark hair and light skin), you will tend to be able to wear more intensity and deeper values in color. If your coloring is fair, you’ll tend to wear softer colors better.
Personal Chef Morgan B has warm coloring with red hair and a porcelain skin tone. Here is her headshot taken by one of my favorite photographers Karen Maze (see more at Morgan has fair skin with medium contrast between hair and skin. She looks very natural in warmer shades. I used Face Options blush color Shares which is a warm pink blush and Cappuchino lip liner with Rosy Idea lip sheer.
Coordinate blush and lip colors by staying in the same color family. Use pink tones with pink, red tones with red and warm tones with warm. (The exception to this is using a natural “cheek” blushing pink with low-intensity, warm or cool colored lipstick.)
To select blush, hold color choices next to the cheek area to see which color enhances your coloring the best. If you are still not sure which color to choose, choose a blush color that corresponds to the natural color of your lips. Enjoy the natural daytime look this produces!
Your natural coloring should indicate the best intensity and value of colors for your face. If you have high contrast in your coloring (dark hair and light skin), you will tend to be able to wear more intensity and deeper values in color. If your coloring is fair, you’ll tend to wear softer colors better.

Coordinate blush and lip colors by staying in the same color family. Use pink tones with pink, red tones with red and warm tones with warm. (The exception to this is using a natural “cheek” blushing pink with low-intensity, warm or cool colored lipstick.)
To select blush, hold color choices next to the cheek area to see which color enhances your coloring the best. If you are still not sure which color to choose, choose a blush color that corresponds to the natural color of your lips. Enjoy the natural daytime look this produces!
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